Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At long last...a Perth blog!

I have been in Perth now for two and a half weeks, so I think I have had a sufficient amount of time to discuss my feelings on the city. they city and its surroundings are rather beautiful. The city itself is very, very clean and actually rather small. It has coffee shops, clothing stores, etc - just like any other metropolitan city. But to one side is a beautiful river with beaches and grass scattered around and to the other is Kings Park, which is a hilly, picturesque national park.
This is the view of the city from the other side of the river...obviously.
Kings Park
The photo of the river and the city were taken from the side of the river where Danny grew up. We ran there from his mom's house with Bruno and Rex. Let me introduce you to them.
Anyway, the run to the river is a nice length and the run alongside it is beautiful. One Saturday we went on Danny's friends boat for a day. We picked up some other people along the way and made our way up the river. We then stopped, bbq'd, lay in the sun and got back on the boat for the trip back. It was a really beautiful day.
We passed Harrison Island while boating down the river and some of Danny's friends mentioned that there were kangaroos that lived on the island and you could go pet them. My eyes lit up and then narrowed as I looked at my Australian tour guide. Danny shrugged because he had no idea that it existed and its only five minutes from where he grew up! I'm obviously more Australian than him. Anyway, a couple days later we ran down to the river and then alongside it, over the bridge and into the gates of the kangaroo sanctuary on Harrison Island. It was incredible. Kangaroos were just grazing and hopping around everywhere! We saw some people petting them, but with my luck with the animal kingdom, I was a bit weary. I finally got up the nerve to do it and they were really soft!
We finally left, without a kangaroo, and ran back home. The river looked beautiful at dusk.
A few days later we decided to get some award winning (literally) pizza slices and head to Kings Park to have some lunch. The national park has informational trails that discuss the surrounding plant life and whether it is endangered or not. Its a beautiful and informative place to enjoy your afternoon.

Danny's dad has a beautiful house down by the beach in an area called Cottesloe Beach. We headed down there one day just for some coffee and to hang by the beach because of the beautiful weather.
We've been busy the last few weeks with having lots of coffee, reading, going on runs, meeting up with friends and family, eating and watching the Tour de France. It has been a really lovely trip so far and I have enjoyed exploring a new city...again!

Jessie xo

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Smith's Beach and Margaret River

We landed in Perth early, early on a Saturday morning and as is the way this summer, left on Monday for another part of Australia. Danny's good friend has an amazing house in Southern Australia, about two hours drive south of Perth. So on Monday morning we hopped in the car and met a couple of his friends down in Smith's Beach. I'm not sure what I expected Australia to look like or be like, but the natural beauty  of this part of the world is breathtaking. We weaved our way through a small town and drove along a dirt road until we came upon the house.

I know I've said it a million times since I left in May, but I keep having these experiences that I am so lucky to have. I took about a gazillion photos, some of which I posted on Facebook and some which I'll post here - I won't bore you with the rest. I couldn't stop snapping pictures in every direction - every time a bird flew by or a ship moved in the distance. I was like the paparazzi of Smith's Beach, except for my target was natural beauty and my audience is you guys. We put our stuff down and headed back down the hill to see the beach. The town is filled with surfers who work when there's no swell. It was FREEZING down there, but they didn't care and neither did I because they just contributed to my picture taking addiction. We got out of the car and walked down the stairs to the water.
Pretty amazing, huh? It was so quiet and serene as there weren't many tourists because of the cold. The area is not very developed at all because the few residents that are already there have fought hard against any new development. They want this part of Australia to remain preserved so it can be enjoyed for years to come. I found that to be a refreshing notion, that despite the profit that could be had from a more developed town, the residents choose the sanctity of the natural beauty.

We left the beach and went on a drive through the rolling hills, which were very green and lush as it had just rained the days before, in search of kangaroos. When I think Australia I think Crocodile Dundee, Hugh Jackman, koalas and kangaroos. Since three out of those four are not really in my reach, or Danny's (what kind of Australian is he anyway??) I had to settle for kangaroos. According to my tour guide (AKA Danny) the best time to see kangaroos is at dawn or dusk. We were driving around at dusk and I had my eyes wide open. Finally we drove up on a field and there was not one kangaroo, but about 30! Again, with the luck.

I'm not sure if you can see them all laying there, but they're there, I promise. Each step we took they stood up taller and then slowly hopped off. I couldn't get close enough to get a good picture (but don't worry photos are to come of my petting a kangaroo. That's right, I am officially an Aussie).

We got back in the car and continued to drive around because it was so beautiful out. Because of the rain, there was a perfect rainbow in the sky. I've never been to Ireland, but it felt like that's where I was. I half expected to drive into a leprechaun with a pot of gold.
It's as close to a pot of gold as I could get...
Right before sunset, we drove back to the house and while Danny and his friend chopped some wood, I continued to take pictures (surprise, surprise). But if you had the view I had, you would've too. 
That evening I made spaghetti sauce from scratch (that's right), garlic bread (ala Bud Brownell) and a salad. Then we all watched a movie. The next morning we all went down to another beach and the guys were debating whether or not to surf. I was happy to sit in my five layers and take pictures, but they all decided it was maybe a bit too cold.
Danny's friends headed back to Perth and we decided to go get a coffee in Margaret River which is a small town not far from Smith's Beach. There's not much there but a few shops and cafes so we only spent an hour or so before we decided to do the cape to cape hike. We walked down to Smith's Beach from his friend's house and had the most beautiful hike. It starts at the beach and goes through a bunch of huge boulders and then down through a trail through the bush and then out to a rocky cape. Hopefully the pictures captured the beauty enough so that you can experience a little of what we were able to experience.
After we walked through the beach part of the trail, we then began climbing through the rocky part of the trail. It was really beautiful as we were above the water.
I convinced Danny of my rock climbing expertise based on the class I took in college and off I went to the top of the highest boulder.
As we came out of that part, we walked down into the bush part of the trail. It was really shady, like walking through a mini forest.
As we walked through the bush we came out to the other cape and it looked a little something like this...
After getting to the second cape, we walked all the way to back to the cabin for dinner, wine and to get warm by the fire.
The next morning we woke up and headed back to Perth. On our way out we went took about four turns off the main road and ended up at a little shack with an oven. There was a pot left on the table with a bunch of loaves of bread around it. We were to leave money for the loaves that were just baked inside. We decided on a wheat and a sourdough, both phenomenal choices. 

I was sad to leave the serenity and beauty of Smith's Beach but was glad to be going back to explore Perth more!

Jessie xo